The champion potato peeler

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The champion potato peeler

The other day I heard the story of the champion potato peeler and what made him an expert in his field. It wasn’t owning the most expensive tools or having the best variety of potato, it was by simply by taking his time to peel one potato at a time. This struck a chord with me, because on a day-to-day basis we can become easily overwhelmed when handed too many ‘potatoes’ and consequently our productivity and enthusiasm dwindle. By focusing on completing one task at a time we feel much more of a sense of pride and achievement and our accomplishments grow. This analogy can be very true of how we view our children’s achievements in life. It is very easy to feel overwhelmed at this time of year when parent consultations are taking place, and reports are sent out. I am guilty of this and must stop and take stock of how wonderful my boys are. My toddler may not be talking as well as some of his peers, but he makes me so proud every day with his various other accomplishments. Our children have a lot of pressure put on them to be the best versions of themselves, which for some is a lot harder than others. By slowing things down and breaking things into smaller steps, smaller achievements we get the opportunity to truly see our children grow and develop and appreciate just how much they are accomplishing in their little lives. Not every child is going to be able to write their name, but being able to hold and manipulate a pencil shows that they are on the right route for success. So next time you are in a situation where you worry that your child isn’t doing as well as their peers, remember, one potato at a time.