Monday 30th October 2023
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome back to Little Acorns following the half term break; we hope you all had a lovely week, albeit a wet one!
We are starting the new term with a ‘Festivals and cultural celebrations’ topic. We will be focussing on Halloween, Bonfire night, Diwali and Remembrance Sunday. Please talk to your child about what they have been learning about these different celebrations and if you have any resources from home that link to this topic and that you wish to share, please let us know.
On Tuesday 7th November and Thursday 16th November we will be holding two open evenings between 5pm and 6pm; everyone is welcome to attend and please spread the word so that we can attract new families.
Many thanks for your help and support with our recent fundraising events. So far we have raised approximately £500. If you have any sponsor money to hand in, please do so ASAP.
Just a friendly reminder that all clothing, shoes, snack pots and water bottles need to be clearly labelled with your child’s name. Now that the weather is more inclement, we recommend sending some wellington boots and a waterproof suit in with your child; we do have some spare pairs of boots and suits but it is preferable for children to have their own.
On Saturday 18th November we will be holding our Winter Fayre. This will take please between 10am and 12noon. Everyone is invited. There will be a cake stall, refreshments and pasties for sale, a tombola, a raffle and a crafting stall. We would be grateful for donations for our tombola (tins, packets, unwanted gifts etc) and cake stalls. Please can cake donations be brought in on Friday 17th November.
We are excited to be holding a Christmas party for all the children to attend on Friday 15th December, between 12noon and 2pm. There will be no charge for this but can we ask that boys bring in some savoury party food for everyone to enjoy and girls bring in some sweet food. After the children have enjoyed their feast, there will be party games and then a special visitor will come to Little Acorns bearing gifts for the children. This will take place at approximately 1.30pm. Parents are welcome to join us then, but rest assured that lots of photographs will be taken.
Diary Dates
Wednesday 8thNovember: Committee meeting at 7pm. All parents / carers welcome to join the committee; please come along
Friday 17th November – Children in Need
Saturday 18th November – Winter Fayre at Little Acorns 10am – 12noon
Wednesday 13th December – Christmas Hamper Raffle to be drawn
Friday 15th December – Last day of Autumn Term (setting will close at 2pm), Christmas party will take place between 12noon and 2pm
Monday 18th December – Inset day (Little Acorns closed)
Tuesday 19th December – Inset day (Little Acorns closed)
Thursday 4th January 2024 – First day of Spring Term
Inset days
The setting will be closed for staff training on the following days:
Monday 18th December 2023
Tuesday 19th December 2023
Thursday 28th March 2024
Friday 24th May 2024
Wednesday 24th July 2024